Automate Websocket testing with Karate.
Websocket is very low level and typically layered under a protocol such as STOMP or a custom JSON message schema. The challenge of sending and consuming messages in async fashion is solved via an elegant API.
Karate's Websocket support makes it easy to plug-in wire-format conversion and flow-control. This means that you can easily test chat-bots or conversational user interfaces.
- Unified syntax similar to HTTP but focused on Websocket
- Mix HTTP and Websocket calls within the same test flow
- Set up multiple async connections if needed
- Support for parallel execution
- Support for performance testing
- Express data as JSON and leverage Karate's powerful assertions
- Easy to define custom message types and conversational flow
- Automatic conversion between JSON and your custom wire-format
- Support for SSL/TLS and using certificates for secure auth
Karate's Websocket support makes it easy to plug-in wire-format conversion and flow-control. This means that you can easily test chat-bots or conversational user interfaces.
Async API testing for Kafka, gRPC and Websocket requires a runtime license - designed to run tests easily and securely in CI/CD without the need for online license validation, and a PRO version of the official Karate Labs IDE plugins (IntelliJ and VS Code) for Development.
Get Started Now
Refer Karate Websocket documentation for getting started.
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